Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chilean cooking -- October 23, 2008

Today's cooking class was not for foreigners but for Japanese. One member from Chile taught us Chilean cooking. The menu was stuffed tomatoes, Carbonada (beef and vegetable soup), and dried compote with mote wheat. Every dish is very delicious and healthy. We had a fun chat over lunch.

Shodo -- October 10, 2008

Six ladies attended today's shodo lesson.Four children came with mothers. It's so nice to see them growing up and their interest changing little by little. Some of them wanted to do shodo beside their mothers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hikari School -- October 9, 2008

Six ladies enjoyed October lesson of Hikari School. The workshop was flower arranging and we learned the real basics. The sencha tea ceremony was also basic tea making. One lady was presented a certificate of completion of orientation course. The fun coffee time followed the lesson.