Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sumie -- October 24, 2012

Sumie lesson started today with five participants. Everyone was
excited to draw with calligraphy brush. They first practiced
drawing circles and then challenged to draw grapes.
The gradation of ink was fantastic when it dries.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Ikebana -- October 2, 2012

Four ladies enjoyed Ikebana with autumn flowers such as
rindo (gentian), keito ( cock's comb) and waremoko (burnet)。

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Cooking -- October 1, 2012

Cooking class started again. Seven ladies joined us.
We made pretty many dishes; fresh harumaki, fried harumaki,
vegetables and codfish soup, eggplants with minced meat,
tuna & mizuna salad, and matcha pound cake.
Though it was a bit difficult to wrap fillings by rice paper,
everyone tried making one each.
It was a fun cooking again.