Monday, April 16, 2007

Cooking-13th of April,2007

Today's menu was another popular one-pot dish 'sukiyaki'. Easy and delicious! Though not in season, we enjoyed boiled fresh edamame(green soy beans)as appetizer.

Graphic Art Shodo-12th of April, 2007

It's an interesting experience to write and draw something on papers and cloths using bleech solution . First the ladies practiced kanji with ink as usual. Then using bleech solution and a nylon brush,they wrote kanji on an origami and arranged it on a shikishi with other colour origamis which bleeched in rubber patterns and shapes of real leaves. The ladies challenged on T-shirts and an apron,too.

Shoto-4th of April,2007

It was a beautiful day, best for picnic, but the ladies enjoyed the quiet time practicing shodo. Here are again the wonderful pieces!!

The teacher of graphic art shodo was awarded!

News!!Ms Eguchi, our cultural program teacher of graphic art shodo, was awarded the Tokyo Shimbun prize. She used 24 rubbers for this amazing work of Buddahs. She sends her message: I would like more people to get to know of this rubber graphic art which has tremendous possibility and joy

Friday, April 06, 2007

Shodo-2nd of April,2007

Three ladies enjoyed today's shodo lesson. Words they practiced are 花ーflower,春日ーspring days,春風ーspring breeze and 満開ーin full bloom. After concentration, a coffee break with chattering is also very enjoyable.